
Creamy and delicious, blended with choice seasonings and spices, these ready-to-use products are available in 375 ml glass jars, and are free from artificial preservatives, chemicals, additives, and trans fats.

Dips are mostly used for finger foods, appetizers, and other easily held tasty tidbits. Dipping sauces are often based on natural dairy products including sour cream, ranch, milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, or creamed cheese, and are a staple of North American diets.


It’s All About Flavor

Dedicated to delivering superior tasting dips

Dips or dipping sauces are a common condiment for many types of foods. Dips are used to add flavor or texture to a food, such as tortilla chips, pita bread, dumplings, crackers, cut-up raw vegetables, fruits, seafood, chicken wings, pizza, potato chips, and falafel. Unlike a sauce, foods is typically put, dipped, or added into the dipping sauce, instead of applying the sauce to the food.



World’s Best Dips was founded on the idea that we need better tasting dips, sauces, and condiments that are not loaded with preservatives, stabilizers, and chemicals whose names we can’t pronounce.

Our first priority is to make our dips from wholesome ingredients that are so delicious your taste buds will jump for joy.  The brand started with the World’s Best chip dip, our flagship masterpiece. This recipe had been handed down over generations; it was unparalleled in terms of flavor, taste, and quality.  From there, the brand evolved into dips for pizza, wings,  and veggies; with more to come.

  • Veggie dips without comprimise
  • The very best wing dips made with natural ingrediants
  • Pizza and bread dips that are out of this world
  • World class artisan chip dip


Superior products of the highest quality…

World’s Best Dips™ founded in 2016, is dedicated to delivering superior products of the highest quality without compromising taste.

Mark Fleming began his culinary career by taking a job as a short-order cook at a fast food restaurant. Mark then joined the Chateau Halifax as a sous chef, specializing in sauces. Later, he began serving his original delicious Blue Cheese Garlic Chip Dip at parties and gatherings.  Inspired by requests for more, he began selling it in 375 ml glass bottles at organic and natural food retail shops in the Junction area of Toronto.  This increasingly popular dipping sauce then begins commercial distribution to meet demand.


We create wonderful, delicious and wholesome foods that even the most discerning taste will love. Our dipping sauces feature natural ingredients and deliver out of this world flavor. We take great care in bottling in goodness with the highest level of quality control.

All World’s Best Dips are made from 100% natural ingredients, Free Run Eggs, choice seasonings, and spices, all without any artificial preservatives, additives, or chemicals.

While today’s educated consumers are interested in healthier products, they don’t want to compromise on taste. We are committed to offer consumers looking for flavorful food experiences high-quality natural ingredients with our inspired original artisan recipes.

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting World’s Best Dips

If you would like to speak to a Product Specialist, please call us at:
1 888 544-5410,  Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-6:00 PM Eastern Time.

If you are reporting a problem with one of our products, please be sure to include your address and a telephone number where you can be reached during the day so we can contact you for more information.

Comments or questions are welcome.

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